Height in Relation to Boundary Checks (HIRB)
The height of a building, in relation to the distance the building is from the boundary, is a way Councils regulate how much neighbouring properties are affected by a development. The effects of an infringement under the height in relation to boundary rules relate to access to sunlight and daylight for all properties. Different councils vary the requirements and they can vary between different zones within a Council area.
If a new building is involved, the architect for the project will show height in relation to boundary (HIRB) calculations on the building plans. If the proposed building is close to the HIRB limits, it is quite common for Council to require that the actual HIRB be checked by a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor before proceeding beyond the foundation stage of the new building. Sometimes additional checks are required at the framing stage as well.
If your building is close to the HIRB limit, we strongly recommend that it be checked by a Licensed Surveyor as early in the process as possible. Mistakes can be very costly (in both time and money) and can involve a Resource Consent application (with neighbours approval) and sometimes alterations to the building to make it comply.
Where a subdivision is proposed around existing dwellings, HIRB calculations are also required to ensure that the existing buildings will not infringe HIRB on the proposed new boundaries within the site. We are able to make these calculations for you once the ground levels on the site and the dimensions of the buildings have been identified (through the Site Survey process).
Resource Consent
If your building encroaches the HIRB, or you are planning for an encroachment, then a Resource Consent is required. One of the major issues that Council will consider is the effect the building will have on the neighbouring property. If you can gain that neighbour’s approval for the encroachment, this will greatly enhance the chances of success.
For an example of the type of information required by Councils please click here.