Locating Boundary Pegs
If you are wanting to fence or build near boundaries we strongly recommend you get the boundaries checked by a Licensed Cadastral Surveyor. When in doubt get the pegs checked.
Buildings and Additions
Buildings and extensions have potential danger which can be avoided with the right site survey, height in relation to boundary calculations and building set out.
Resource Consents
Dealing with Council to get a Resource Consent can be a mission. Boundary Consultants are experienced in the Resource Consent process for Land Use Consents and Subdivision Consents. Contact us to talk about your site.
Project Management
A well managed project runs smoothly from start to final sign off. Boundary Consultants has an experienced project manager in house to look after your project. Sometimes a project’s full complexity does not become apparent until half way through. If your project has stalled please contact us and we can assist you.